Corporate Culture and Etiquette at Workplace
Schedules: 1 Full day | 4 Sessions | 8 Hours
Training Overview
Happy employees are highly engaged and motivated leading to better outcomes for Organizational growth and success.
People are the most valuable asset of a business and when they leave for home every day, they can choose not to return to work basis the way they are treated, and the work environment provided to them.
Organizations must focus on not only building business but also on building a culture that attracts people. While fancy perks like free food and cab facility can appeal to anyone, these superficial offerings are not always enough to entice talented workforce.
In the second part of the course will educate individuals about the established patterns of behavior and manners that are essential in a profession. It focuses on a set of practices that are commonly accepted in a global business environment. The local context will also be discussed here.
Course Objectives
By the end of the Developing Corporate and Organizational Culture Training Program, the participants of this course will be able to:
- Define what is Organization culture
- Establish the importance of building corporate and Organizational culture
- Curate a strategy and build a structure that supports a set of beliefs that are widely shared and strongly held across the Organization and its key stakeholders
- Enjoy the benefits of a culture that auto directs employee perception, behaviours and understanding with less intervention
- Empower and enable leaders for creating and maintaining Organizational culture
- Engage, motivate, retain, and develop people who align their goals with the Organizations
- Create a professional image and maintain positive office relationships with diversified people.
- Introduce people properly, be a good communicator, and follow proper etiquette in meetings and other business discussions.
- Display courtesy on the telephone, in voice mails, and in written communications
- Understand and implement the basic rules of personal grooming and how to dress for success
Training Outline
Module 1
Corporate and Organizational culture
- Define Culture
- Why culture matters
- Types of Culture
- Characteristics of a Great Company Culture.
Emotional Intelligence and forming positive work Culture
Cultural Barriers to change and resolve with Emotional Intelligence
- Ego centric superiority
- Protection of “sacred cows”
- Insecurity/lack of praise and recognition
- Control and fear driven surveillance
- Information hoarding and distrust
The “How” of Culture Change
- Ask for and listen to feedback
- Care about people and show you do
- Emphasis on Work-Life Balance
- Emphasis on professional development
- Get reviews from the team, also the people who leave the organization
- Discuss challenges, be open and transparent, brainstorm
Module 2
Module 3
Etiquette and professionalism
- Definition and importance of etiquette locally and globally
- Corporate culture and professionalism at workplace
- How to make a powerful first impression in the professional world
- Do’s and don’ts in dressing
- Understand various dress codes for different occasions
- Personal props and accessories for man and woman
- Grooming versus corporate etiquette
Business Communication Etiquette
- Effective communication in business
- Authority and confidence during business talk
- Coping with office gossip
- How to be diplomatic at the office
- Electronic Etiquette
- Rest room etiquette